Today is Flag Day, and while Americans typically don't get the day off, it's still a holiday worth celebrating.
Martha-Ann Alito, the wife of Justice Samuel Alito, has faced criticism after reports she flew an upside-down flag at their ...
The American flag — as it was intended to fly — is no longer the favored symbol of so-called patriots on the far right. Old ...
Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. What is the history and symbolism behind the American flag? There are several origin ...
The presidential seal is a symbol of power and executive authority, it’s why this distinguished mark is displayed on the flag ...
Waubeka, Wisconsin, a town located on the Milwaukee River claims to be the birthplace of Flag Day, which is often overlooked ...
Flag Day will be here Friday, but what exactly is Flag Day and how are you supposed to celebrate or recognize it? And did you ...