The interconnectedness of far-right groups reflects the extent to which those holding extreme beliefs have used the issue of ...
In 2020, a two-year study of crime data and academic research by the Home Office concluded that 'group-based offenders ...
Andrew Kersley spent five months speaking to survivors of child sexual exploitation and experts on the ‘grooming’ of ...
The MP for Stoke-on-Trent North didn't comment on potential job cuts at the digger giant but called an “urgent” meeting with ...
Farage repeatedly draws on the thousands of people who have drowned in the attempt to cross the Mediterranean to bolster his ...
The research, conducted by independent pollsters WeThink for Byline Times, shows only 70% of 18-24 year-olds and 77% of 25-34 ...
Byline Times can reveal that Hope Not Hate is focusing its efforts on several prominent figures – including Conservative ...
Farage would be cancelled if he said the same things about Jews as he does Muslims - yet he gets endless airtime ...
Iain Dale, LBC presenter and Conservative hopeful for Tunbridge Wells said he 'never liked the place' and would 'happily live ...
The Conservatives said they had no idea a UK-backed Georgian communications unit was using trolls to attack opponents and ...
As Rishi Sunak faces calls to strip her of the whip, Liz Truss claims without evidence that ceasefire protests are funded by ...
Jennifer Nadel, co-founder of Compassion in Politics, argues that a few tweaks to Westminster’s dysfunctional system under a ...