The large-scale fire is being extinguished by a fire train. Governor of the Rostov Region Vasily Golubev said that the fire ...
Its crew was evacuated with the help of an icebreaker. On June 4, the Russian ‘Baikal’ tugboat overturned in the Kara Sea.
An attack drone of Ukrainian fighters in Kharkiv region has hit an enemy T-72 tank. The combat vehicle tried to retreat from ...
Norway, a NATO member since 1949, has seen no significant change in Russia's “position” on its border over the past year, ...
The Belarusian dictator must know that the Poles will defend their country. How should we react to Lukashenka's statements ...
The liberation of the Belarusian people is the key to the disappearance of an aggressive monster from the geopolitical scene.
The Russians' offensive is now in doubt. Ukraine began to strike with Western weapons on the territory of the Russian ...
The surrender of a Russian was shown on video. A video has been published online showing an occupier surrendering to ...
Ukrainian soldiers destroyed a Typhoon-K armoured vehicle worth about $2.5 million in Donetsk region. Lieutenant Colonel ...
The propagandist started scaring the Russian audience. Russian top propagandist Vladimir Solovyov was not indifferent to ...
The Ukrainian Defence Forces destroyed a large convoy of the Russian army in the Kursk region, which was heading to the ...
Lukashists have opened the summer season of militarization of children. It was opened in the Machulishchy secondary school, ...