The Air Force is ratcheting up the estimated cost to put new commercial engines on the legacy B-52 bomber fleet, publicly disclosing for the first time a nearly $1 billion increase in the procurement ...
David Allvin today appeared non-committal to the sixth-generation Lfighter program. Asked whether the high-profile platform could face cancellations or delays in the upcoming budget cycle as the Air ...
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has selected software company EpiSci in partnership with PhysicsAI to develop the first version of “tactical artificial intelligence algorithms for ...
The June 7, 2024 report issued by the Pentagon's cost assessment and program evaluation office "provides a summary of our activities to date and our plans for the future in achieving the vision of ...
A modification to a contract for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System will procure up to 215 additional launchers through fiscal year 2028, according to the Army.
The House Appropriations defense subcommittee, in the report accompanying its draft defense spending bill, has included an additional $60 million for the UH-60 M model Black Hawk helicopter above the ...
Osprey fleet is not expected until mid-2025, a senior naval official told members of Congress today. Officials gathered today for a House Oversight and Accountability national security, the border and ...
The Biden administration says a proposed funding cut by a House committee would impede combatant commanders' ability to counter sophisticated air and missile threats by blocking the Army from ...
The House Appropriations Committee is scheduled to consider a bill tomorrow that would rescind more than $1.2 billion in defense spending, according to a draft report accompanying the bill. The report ...
House appropriators want the Army to analyze its heavy tactical truck program after expressing concern the current acquisition approach could reduce competition and increase costs. In the report ...
The Pentagon established the Cyber Academic Engagement Office (CAEO) today to function as the " consolidated focal point " for cyber-related activities between the Defense Department and academia.
The Collaborative Combat Aircraft program would see a roughly $25.7 million cut in fiscal year 2025 compared to the Air Force's $559 million request, according to a draft spending bill from the House ...