The IARC, an intergovernmental agency that forms part of the World Health Organization, doesn’t have a perfect track record ...
Amazon sells more dietary supplements that Walmart or Target. It’s one of the largest dietary supplement vendors in the US.
We can add decaffeinated (decaf) products to the list of things you probably shouldn't worry about but someone wants to make ...
I wrote about how antivaxxers misrepresent vaccine safety studies to portray vaccines as dangerous, using a large study of ...
The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead depicts a scene in which a bowel of golden rice is weighed against the feather of truth ...
When conference organizers told me not to make my talk "political", they were really saying there were certain people and ...
Although multiple antivaccine investigations have failed to deliver any substantive evidence of alleged crimes, the latest ...
The Washington Post recently published an article asking if COVID-19 infection can cause cancer. Probably not, but cancer ...
An article from October 30, 2020 titled Seeking Common Ground in ‘Herd Immunity’ Debate quoted anti-vaccine, misinformation ...