The Catholic and Marianist vision of education makes the University of Dayton community unique. It shapes the "warmth of welcome" we first experience when we arrive on campus and the family spirit we ...
When Herman Rabinowitz's identity was stolen, he bought a Harley, reinvented himself as Paco and, along with other off-the-grid bikers, formed the Bedouins. When Paco decides to get his identity back, ...
Annmarie Kelly-Harbaugh is the author of Here Be Dragons: A Parent’s Guide to Rediscovering Purpose, Adventure and the Unfathomable Joy of the Journey, a memoir about the wonderful misery of raising ...
Through this monthly newsletter, the Fitz Center for Leadership in Community is working to increase its connection with the community on campus and across the region. Explore the Fitz Center The Fitz ...
The University of Dayton is seeking to re-achieve the Carnegie Community Engagement Elective Classification. The Carnegie Classification is a high standard that shows community engagement is deep, ...
The University of Dayton will launch the Herr Venture for Change Program to prepare students as entrepreneurs for the common good this fall. The program will offer a nine-credit certificate in social ...
Eight University of Dayton students and alumni won competitive awards to pursue advanced degrees, study internationally or teach abroad during the 2024-2025 academic year. The awardees include five ...
When it comes to croquet, a leisurely game that sounds like it involves chickens, I cannot mend my wicket ways. That’s because I am not very good at it. Proof came when my wife, Sue, who makes ...
Sharon Davis Gratto championed global music and Dayton’s funk music heritage during her 16 years at the University of Dayton, founding UD’s World Music Choir, hosting two Dayton Funk symposia and ...
Marketplace, National Catholic Register, The Conversation and Catholic World Report are among the outlets tapping faculty expertise. UD political scientists remain active providing insight into ...
As soon as I visited the campus, I fell in love,” said Brandon Salas ’11 of his first tour of UD as a high schooler. Today, Salas continues to show his love by volunteering and helping spread the ...
Now that two of my daughters are away at college and the one still at home basically views me as an ATM in an unfashionable neighborhood, I’ve tried to find myself a hobby. Since I’m not interested in ...