As a reminder, in January, 2024, the ECHR awarded 100,000 euros to Saudi national Mustafa al-Hawsawi for his unlawful ...
Nasdaq Baltic First North-listed Estonian technology company Bercman Technologies has announced the registration of a wholly ...
One region that has been credited for making progressive steps in the field of sustainability is the region consisting of the ...
Beyond its enthralling natural attractions, this Nordic island offers a different perspective on travel: horseback riding. Icelandic horseback riding vacations combine the saddle's exhilaration with ...
The industry is just steps away from a “big clean-up". Not only local governments but also the European Union has taken major ...
As a Swede, I have been happy to see how Europe has come together in support of Ukraine, leaving the corruption-promoting ...
The European Commission approved the allocation of 9 million euros for the development of Moldova's air defense. With this ...
Your brother, Deividas Jacka, told the media last spring that the change in Civinity's CEO was a long-planned move to pass ...
What do you believe are the most remarkable accomplishments of SmartLynx Airlines over the years? And was there anything you ...
This year, Lithuania is in a record-high election season – Gitanas Nauseda, the incumbent President, extended his stay in Daukantas Square for another five years, the European Parliament elections ...
Changes in the opening hours of the shopping centres AKROPOLE Rīga and AKROPOLE Alfa are planned on Līgo and Jāņi. To get in the festive mood and fully prepare for the celebrations, the shopping ...
If you’re looking for a special location to hold a business conference or a meeting, the Bauska region is the right place.