Amid stunning weather and against the backdrop of a campus that never looked more beautiful, Reunion Weekend was, by all ...
Chakkalakal compares her low-tech seminars to science labs; they are places for students to investigate concepts and ...
One of the projects occupying government major Paulina Morales ’24 during her senior year was her involvement in the ...
The journal Physical Review Research in its April issue tagged a paper by Associate Professor of Mathematics Chris Chong and ...
Draeger, who is about to receive degrees in environmental studies and Hispanic studies, recently cowrote a Spanish language ...
The value and benefits of a liberal arts education steeped in the humanities has worthy champions in Kristin Brennan, ...
Commencement Speakers As has been the tradition since Bowdoin’s first graduation ceremony in 1806, Commencement addresses ...
Among its members are many illustrious Bowdoin graduates, including Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, both ...
The plight of jailed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich ’14 is never far from the thoughts of many on campus, and ...
and I couldn’t quite look them in the eyes. The day after I arrived here, my best friend called me. He said be yourself. The second day after I arrived here, a man at a gas station called me a slur. I ...
Bowdoin has appointed Jim Hoppe the College’s next senior vice president and dean for student affairs.
Having “curious conversations” with people you strongly disagree with “isn't just the only way to see those other people clearly, it's also the only real way to see ourselves clearly too,” said Monica ...