As always, Russian APTs are hoping to foment unrest by stoking existing societal divides and fears, this time around the ...
Sideloading apps is now possible on iOS devices, forcing Apple to add some security features in an attempt to mitigate the ...
Because of the role the Confluence Server plays in managing documentation and knowledge data bases, the researchers recommend ...
Last week, the hack-and-leak ring known as ShinyHunters put what it alleged to be data on more than a half-billion ...
Life on a security team can sure take its toll. Come up with a clever cybersecurity-related caption to explain the scene, ...
The integration of Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) in Portkey's Web3 wallet and decentralised identity management system promises to offer blockchain users unprecedented levels of provable and ...
In April, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's Secure by Design initiative celebrated its first birthday.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --Today, Ockam teamed up with Redpanda to launch Redpanda Connect with Ockam: the first zero-trust streaming data platform. This is a natural partnership ...
With a visit to the United States and his country's designation by the US as a major non-NATO ally, Kenyan President William ...
Our collection of the most relevant reporting and industry perspectives for those guiding cybersecurity strategies and ...
The previously unknown threat actor uses tools similar to those used by North Korean APT groups, according to Cisco Talos.
Most of the operations were feckless efforts with little impact, but they illustrate how AI is changing the game for ...