War Crimes Prosecutor Reed Brody on Gambia Victory & U.S./Israel Attacks on ICC ...
At the University of Toronto, students and faculty held a vigil Monday for the students in Gaza who have been deprived of a graduation due to the war. Graduation caps adorned empty chairs in tribute ...
As votes are still being tallied in India’s election, early results show Prime Minister Narendra Modi is poised to win a third term. But his Hindu nationalist BJP party appears to have lost ...
Here in New York City, community organizers are condemning plans to build a new police training facility in Queens that will cost some $225 million. New York City Mayor Eric Adams made the ...
In San Francisco, police arrested 70 protesters who occupied the first floor of the Israeli Consulate and refused to leave Monday. This is one of the activists. Margot: “We are the red line. The ...
The U.S. is urging the U.N. Security Council to adopt a resolution in support of the Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal outlined by President Biden. Israel and Hamas have not yet agreed to the deal.
In Hong Kong, some activists are marking the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre despite a ban on protests and a heightened crackdown by authorities. On Monday, police arrested artist ...
President Biden is expected to sign an executive order that would temporarily shut down the U.S.-Mexico border and suspend protections for migrants seeking asylum. Under the new measure, U.S.
Here in New York, as Pride Month gets underway, hundreds of queer activists took to the streets and staged a die-in, calling for a ceasefire and an end to U.S. funding for Israel. Activists are ...
Iranian media said Monday’s Israeli airstrikes in Aleppo, Syria, killed a Revolutionary Guards general. Yemen’s Houthi movement says its fighters targeted a military site in Israel’s port city of ...
In Sudan, the U.N. is again warning of the spiraling humanitarian disaster. Jens Laerke: “Time is running out for millions of people, including 3.6 million acutely malnourished children who are at ...
ProPublica has revealed Donald Trump’s businesses and campaign committees have given significant financial benefits to at least nine witnesses in the various criminal cases against the former ...