A rare exoplanet, nicknamed “Phoenix,” has defied expectations by developing a puffy atmosphere despite being bombarded by ...
Guterres urged world leaders to take immediate action and called for an “exit ramp off the highway to climate hell.” ...
Resilience of Asian forests in the face of escalating disturbances from climate change and human activities is nothing short ...
Researchers have discovered that a slow-growth diet prior to breeding can result in more offspring and healthier, ...
NASA's Farside Seismic Suite (FSS) aims to revolutionize insights into the Moon's mysterious far side seismic activities.
A study published in Nature Communications enhances our ability to monitor emperor penguins, offering new hope for their ...
The study reveals that during sleep, some brain cells not only replay recent experiences but also prepare for future ones.
Scientists found eight types of microplastics in all tested semen samples. These plastics may potentially link them to male ...
A new study reveals that ancient viral sequences, once considered junk DNA, may play a role in mental disorders.
Recent analyses have revealed surprising volcanic activity on Venus, challenging prior assumptions about its geological state ...
Researchers at the University of Michigan adapted human speech models to decode dog barks, achieving 70% accuracy.
Navigating the pressures of the modern workplace can be akin to walking a tightrope. Tight deadlines, resource crunches, and ...