Brewers in France are taking on traditionally beer-producing nations as French beer becomes more popular. Over the last ten ...
In 2019, the southern Italian village of Sambuca di Sicilia went viral for selling off homes for as little as €1. Schemes ...
Support for the National Rally party has been growing among French business after the country's newly formed left-wing ...
The European Parliament's centre-right faction has opened its arms to the political movement of Péter Magyar, the thorn in ...
The Scheldt Estuary in Flanders has long been on the flooding frontline. Its low-lying landscape and open connection to the ...
Justin Timberlake was expected to be arraigned in Sag Harbor, on the eastern end of Long Island, according to a statement ...
At least five tourists have been found dead this month in Greek after attempting to hike in extreme temperatures.
Spending on global advertising is set to rise by an overall 5% this year, with digital fueling the growth, according to new ...
Are you a creative and wondering how AI will change the way you work? From individual tasks to transformative production, ...
Europeans rely less on air conditioning than many other citizens around the world. But figures show that its use has steadily ...
Heatwaves have hit Europe earlier than ever this year, with Greece, Cyprus, Türkiye and Italy already hit by extreme heat, ...
A United Nations agency is warning that developments in artificial intelligence (AI) could spawn a new surge in Holocaust ...