Millions of people worldwide are affected by allergies. Interestingly, about 1 in 3 adults in America have seasonal or food ...
Breast cancer is the most common cancer found in women. Typically, prevalent in women over the age of fifty, different breast ...
Following the Mediterranean diet is likely to lower your risk of death due to cardiovascular disease or cancer. | Cardiology ...
Cancer existed long before humans, with paleontological evidence documenting tumors in prehistoric animals.   The first ...
What's with the long neck? While a common hypothesis has been that competition among male giraffes affected neck length, a ...
A little plant, the New Caledonian fork fern species Tmesipteris oblanceolata has now taken the title of world's largest ...
The ketogenic diet (KD) has garnered considerable attention for its potential therapeutic benefits and implications for ...
A University of Bath research team examined the effects of higher-potency cannabis on young people. The study found that ...
New research published in PLOS ONE suggests that combining high-intensity exercise with time-restricted eating may improve ...
A new study has used a mouse model to show that maternal obesity appears to affect the feeding behaviors of offspring through ...
As humanity travels back to the Moon in the next few years and potentially Mars in the next decade, how much of a role should ...
Can ground-based telescopes obtain the same image resolution of planetary objects as space-based telescopes, or even ...