A new blood test may be able to predict whether a person will go on to develop Parkinson's disease up to seven years before ...
Around 20% of cases of tuberculosis affect organs other than the lungs, and some can cause warty plaques on the skin.
A new study suggests an earthquake of estimated magnitude 7.5 or 8 shook the Indian subcontinent 2,500 years ago, changing ...
Eight stone catapult shots used during the siege of Kenilworth Castle, which lasted 172 days in the 13th century, were ...
A rare giant hoodwinker sunfish that washed ashore Gearhart beach in Oregon could be the largest of its species ever sampled.
A manuscript written in the fourth or fifth century describes how Jesus brought clay birds to life as a child.
New observations from the James Webb Space Telescope revealed that a distant protostar is actually a pair of baby binary ...
Researchers have retrieved hundreds of artifacts, including porcelain items, copper coins and ornate pieces of pottery.
From flying cars and railguns to smartphones and jetpacks — what was once sci-fi can now be found in the real world.
Fast radio bursts erupt in the sky around 10,000 times a day, but scientists still struggle to explain them. New research ...
Cancer treatments aim to kill tumor cells, and the immune system is tasked with getting rid of the resulting cellular corpses ...
Records of orcas hunting sharks in the Gulf of California are on the rise, as experts say we may have underestimated how much ...