"The far right made big gains in European elections," reads the Associated Press headline on last week's European Parliament ...
Father’s Day is Sunday and most Americans still believe dads play an important role.
In a swing state that Joe Biden won four years ago, former President Donald Trump leads by seven points in Arizona, while the most likely Senate matchup is neck-and-neck. A new telephone and online ...
We are making six Electoral College rating changes this week, all in favor of Republicans.— However, we don’t really see a clear favorite in a presidential race with many confounding factors.— We ...
Also, as students leave, government schools are left with more money per pupil. That's because the government gives charters ...
While some have touted Nikki Haley as a potential Republican vice presidential candidate, most voters say adding the former ...
Many businesses actively promote June as LGBTQ Pride Month, but a plurality of Americans believe there’s too much celebration ...
Two-thirds of voters are worried that cheating could affect this year’s election, and many of them still don’t trust electronic voting machines.
Americans still read George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four," 75 years after it was first published on June 8, 1949. At the ...
As a Delaware jury weighs Hunter Biden’s fate, nearly half of voters think President Joe Biden’s son is guilty, but fewer ...
While President Joe Biden campaigns for another four years in the White House, a majority of voters perceive him as losing ...
Politicians in Washington have very short memories, so they repeat the same mistakes over and over. It was only 17 years ago ...