A proposed expanded vessel speed rule would mandate slower speeds for vessels, lowering the risk of fatal strikes.
Thorne and co-author Dave Wiley, Ph.D., assessed spatial and temporal patterns of strandings relative to patterns of ...
But the Russians left behind in Crimea potentially dozens of smaller minesweepers, landing craft and patrol boats—the ...
TASS/. China's very first rescued short-finned pilot whale has been successfully released in the southern Chinese province of Hainan. The mammal was set free into the ocean 70 nautical miles from the ...
Moscow has said the exercise is a response to “provocative statements and threats of individual Western officials.” ...
MOSCOW: The Kremlin said on Monday that exercises involving non-strategic ... of tactical nuclear weapons after what Moscow said were threats from France, Britain and the United States.
Hunkered down in Polish forest amid massive live-fire Nato exercise, threats posed by Russia's war in Ukraine feel very real – Mike Edwards By Mike Edwards Published 19th May 2024, 04:55 BST ...
Researchers claimed the journey of a young whale traversing the Mediterranean Sea had shed light on the threats confronting ... of millions in damage to Russia Is Ukraine losing the war?
The speaker of Russia's lower house of parliament today warned that Ukraine was 'dragging the United States and Europe' into a major global war, urging Western leaders to act responsibly to avoid ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his military to practise the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons after what Moscow said were threats ... routine nuclear exercises but it is ...
As tensions escalate between Russia and Western powers, President Putin orders tactical nuclear drills, citing threats from France, Britain, and the US. The Southern Military District, near Ukraine, ...
All nuclear powers carry out routine nuclear exercises but it is extremely ... be quite confident that it is not a threat to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine or against Ukraine." Nikolai Sokov, a former ...