June is AED and CPR awareness month. The American Heart Association is also celebrating its 100 year anniversary. Mark Freed ...
June is AED and CPR awareness month. The American Heart Association is also celebrating its 100 year anniversary. Mark Fried with The American Heart Association joined us on the Coca-Cola ...
"I was just like a normal high school student. So this kind of stuff can happen to anybody," said Jack Belsito. Now, the ...
Poway High School student Sofia Montoya survived a cardiac arrest episode on a school playground when she was 8 years old. “I should not be alive now,” said Montoya, 16, who will be a ...
Mila was found "lifeless" when she was removed from the pool. A couple from North Carolina recently experienced a terrifying ...
Drowning is the leading cause of death among children ages 1 to 4 in the United States, according to the U.S. Consumer ...
As the weather heats up,  the American Heart Association recommends learning CPR to be ready for a safe summer. KRON4 anchor ...
The American Heart Association, a global force for a world of healthier lives for all, is encouraging families to build a summer safety plan.
Primary care doctors miss about one-third of heart failure diagnoses and for women the stats are even more startling. Here's ...
I want more people to learn CPR. I was at the right place at the right time, and I had the right knowledge. I knew how to ...
But there's a growing threat to our kids' well-being that many of us overlook: the impact of rising temperatures and pollution on their cardiovascular health. What's happening? A statement ...