French President Emmanuel Macron called snap national elections after Marine Le Pen’s National Rally humbled his pro-European ...
PARIS, June 9 (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron rolled the dice on his political future on Sunday, calling snap ...
The global news brief highlights significant events including Russian advances in Ukraine, Macron's call for snap French ...
French President Emmanuel Macron called a snap legislative election after the far right pummeled mainstream parties in France ...
French President Emmanuel Macron set off a political earthquake on Sunday when he called shock legislative elections for ...
French President Emmanuel Macron has decided to dissolve the lower house of the parliament and to call general elections ...
French President Emanuel Macron Sunday called a snap election after his own party suffered a big defeat in elections for the ...
The first round of the French parliamentary election will be held on June 30 ... 0700/0720 area once U.S. investors fully ...
Euro tumbles as French President Emmanuel Macron calls for a snap election, which triggers political uncertainty. Strong US ...
THE ELECTIONS to the European Parliament held on June 6th-9th have delivered a stinging rebuke from voters to some incumbents ...
A look at the day ahead in European and global markets from Rae Wee Investors in Europe will begin the week mired in ...
“One takeaway is that reforms will be hard to implement in France, and as one has seen with the downgrade of S&P, there are ...