A coalition of California prosecutors and retailers teamed up to qualify a theft- and drug-focused ballot initiative, but ...
Gavin Newsom shared a statement on X saying today’s decision was ... one of these lower courts that had prevented state ...
Newsom, a Biden campaign surrogate, demurs on Golden State peers' criticism of controversial immigration policy.
Gavin Newsom called for a U.S. Constitutional amendment that would ... The Times Taryn Luna and Laurel Rosenhall reported ...
California Democrats are playing "dirty tricks" in response to bipartisan efforts to place a measure to reform Proposition 47 ...
Fast food restaurants in California are having to lay off thousands of workers and hike menu prices to stay open. CABIA ...
Gavin Newsom believes his 2020 stay-home order at the start of the ... As early as 2018, a California law known as Assembly ...
Among the many upset with the predictable effects of this law are retailers, who have pushed to get a repeal of Prop 47 on the ballot this November. For all his newfound tough talk on crime, Gov.
This is to comply with Senate Bill 533, signed into law last year by Governor Gavin Newsom. California’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal-OSHA) is charged with the enforcement of ...
California laws barring the sale of firearms and ammunition at fairgrounds and on other state property are constitutional, ...
California legislators released bill language addressing Governor Gavin Newsom’s “May Revise” to the state budget ... The “clarification” language is intended to end-run California law that requires a ...
In California, a Foster’s Freeze location closed and laid off its workers due to a new $20 per hour minimum wage that took effect April 1st. The wage increase was mandated by Governor Gavin Newsom ...