Since Gov. Newsom proposed a 28th Amendment one year ago, there has been far more progress on online petitions than in other ...
One year after Gov. Gavin Newsom proposed changing the U.S. Constitution to place new restrictions on gun ownership, no other ...
The campaign to enshrine same-sex marriage in California’s constitution got a boost Friday, when Governor Gavin Newsom ...
Trump’s first stop is in San Francisco for a reception and dinner hosted by billionaire venture capitalists David Sacks and ...
Harris does perform better than Joe Biden among African Americans, according to the POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. She also ...
Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco, who has built a reputation as a conservative firebrand for law-and-order views and ...
Cops, anti-tax and business groups don’t get their way as often as defense attorneys, civil rights groups and unions in the CA Legislature.
was also asked about a gubernatorial campaign, and also demurred. Flanked by lawmakers and gun safety advocates, Gov. Gavin Newsom signs new gun legislation into law in Sacramento on Sept. 26, 2023.
Gavin Newsom, right, applaud newly sworn-in Senate President Pro Tem Mike McGuire ... to change the Private Attorneys General Act and avoid a costly ballot campaign has to do with a fund reserved for ...
Legislators plan to fast-track bills to crack down on retail theft in California, pressuring supporters of a proposed ...