What would Meghan Markle's new title if she and Prince Harry are stripped of their royal titles? Possibilities include ...
Footage of Harry reaching out for his wife during a reception in Nigeria has won praise from the couple's fans.
Meghan Markle attended two Trooping the Colour ceremonies during her time as a royal, but she isn’t adding a third event to ...
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex haven't been invited to take part in Trooping the Colour, which marks the official celebration ...
PRINCE Harry and Meghan Markle were snubbed after being excluded from another royal event two years running. The Duke and ...
Prince Harry was reportedly left "upset" after the Royal Family deleted a statement from him defending his wife, Meghan ...
MEGHAN Markle and Prince Harry need to stop “slagging off the royal family” and start building bridges, claims a royal author ...
Even if Prince Harry had decided to attend, Meghan would not have travelled to the UK with the Duke, for the same reason she ...
Meghan Markle is "the one thing holding Prince Harry back" from returning to the UK, a royal expert has claimed.
Prince Edward and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, were initially part-time royals and continued to juggle royal duties ...
Princess Lilibet has just celebrated her third birthday, with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle organising a very special party ...
For the second time, Prince Harry, 39, and Meghan Markle, 42, have been excluded from King Charles “Trooping the Colour” ...