Around 90 states and organizations are set to participate in a peace summit in Switzerland on June 15-16, aiming to chart a ...
Remember that crazy moment in time when Steve Kerr and Donald Trump were allies, singing the same tune, figuratively ...
Kyiv fires US weapon inside Russia as Zelensky accuses China of ‘sabotage’ - Zelensky says China helping Putin by asking ...
Around 90 states and organisations have confirmed their participation in a summit in Switzerland on June 15-16 that aims to ...
Switzerland will host scores of world leaders this weekend to try to map out first steps toward peace in Ukraine even though ...
By Andrea Palasciano & Bastian Benrath Volodymyr Zelenskyy is returning to Kyiv with €50 billion ($53.5 billion) in aid, fresh security guarantees from the US and commitments to help rebuild energy ...
Switzerland will host scores of world leaders this weekend to try to map out the first steps toward peace in Ukraine even though Russia, which launched the war, isn’t attending.
"My visit takes place at a time when democracy is perceived to be retreating worldwide," Ruto said, standing with Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and other cabinet officials. Earlier ...
The Austrian Interior Ministry told Germany's dpa news agency on June 11 that Vienna had annulled the accreditation of two ...
Tashkent, the capital of the former Soviet republic, is decorated with flags of the two countries for the two-day visit ... U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and the leaders of France, Germany ...
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris delivers a speech at Gardens by the Bay in Singapore before departing for Vietnam on the second leg of her Southeast Asia trip ... her fourth visit to the ...