The first generation of mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters in South Sudan brings hope for the next generation of aspiring ...
Our expert picks the best martial arts accessories to pick up before heading to the mats. Look the part and stay safe.
Former President Donald Trump also called migrants “bad,” “nasty” and “mean,” echoing his controversial past efforts to ...
In a world where live sports remain television’s cash cow, could competitive pillow fighting be the next big thing? Sean Perry and his 2500 Media banner certainly think so. The company has secured the ...
Unbeaten in 13 professional appearances, Kuramagomedov fits the profile of many fighters from his country: a grinding ...
Jake Paul will return to the boxing ring against Mike Perry after his fight with Mike Tyson was postponed. Perry has thrived ...
Puja Tomar became the first Indian fighter to win a fight in the Ultimate Fighting Championship on June 9 when she went on to ...
Three-time Olympian and former UFC fighter Mark Madsen is trying his hand at promoting fights following his May retirement.
Conor McGregor defends Michael Chandler's decision to wait for a lucrative fight, revealing the massive financial incentives ...
Donald Trump loves dehumanizing migrants for political gain. He also loves watching people beat the crap out of each other ...
"You're going to go and start a new Migrant Fight League," Trump said. "And then at the end of the year, the champion migrant is going to fight your champion." ...