Rishi Sunak has been urged to deselect Liz Truss as a Conservative candidate because of her appearance on a “far-right” ...
The UK’s shortest-serving prime minister Liz Truss is continuing to try and defend her infamously ... Political Action Conference or CPAC earlier this year, and in her book Ten Years to Save the West.
Labour's Jess Phillips said the founder of Lotus Eaters once joked about raping her and highlighted his "despicable views ...
The former prime minister was interviewed for a show on Lotus Eaters, set up by a commentator who suggested he might ‘rape’ an MP ...
Liz Truss has been on the road telling her side ... The shortlived PM gives her account of this frantic period in a new book, Ten Years To Save The West. What is most striking about Truss's ...
Former prime minister Liz Truss has postponed two signings to promote her book in King's Lynn and Beccles because of the election announcement.
Liz Truss has urged Rishi Sunak to ditch all net ... And the contention in my book is unless we do that, we are not going to be able to deliver the conservative policies the public actually ...