Former popstar Holly Valance made her political opinions well known this year when she praised failed Tory Prime Minister Liz ...
Homeowners have faced significant hikes to their housing costs over the last two years following consecutive hikes to ...
Such platitudes are not for Rees-Mogg, who is sitting among the chaos of his constituency office ... war in Ukraine and Covid ...
Nigel Farage’s Conservative rival in Clacton has claimed the Reform UK leader “doesn’t give two hoots” about the Essex ...
Everyone is finally noticing that Rishi Sunak is rubbish at politics. Given the scale of his faux pas in bailing out of D-Day ...
A tremor went through the $26 trillion US Treasury market last week when there was a shortage of buyers at two auctions for US debt.
I’ve never done a party leaders debate in the teeth of a national campaign before and it’s fair to say, that while people ...
Each day the election campaign goes on, this outcome, the destruction of of the Conservative Party, becomes all the more ...
At a fundraising dinner for big Conservative Party donors on May 21, UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron gave an upbeat speech ...
With his working-class roots, the politician’s story is one of social mobility – yet he appears uncomfortable with his own ...
We might have all been sitting in different places and felt different responses ... can I go back and not lose to Liz Truss, I have to sit and be like, OK, what are the . . . what is the perspective ...
Robert Armstrong No. They’re certainly not on this podcast so we’ll just have to pretend one is sitting here with us ... last time they had a free rein over economic policy, we got Liz Truss. So, you ...