Squinting to read, sitting too close to the TV or complaining of headaches and blurry vision – these are telltale signs that ...
Myopia is the most common refractive error in which a person is unable to see distant objects clearly. In the past few years, ...
Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common eye disorder globally. By 2050, half of the global population may be affected.
If you’re a parent struggling to get your kids off their devices and outdoors to play, here’s another reason to keep trying: ...
A survey published in 2020 5 explored the practice patterns of paediatric ophthalmologists across the world (n=794), finding ...
As global demand for vision care grows, HOYA is leading the way with its innovative MiYOSMART to slow down childhood myopia ...
Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is a prevalent eye disorder affecting millions worldwide. Shockingly, it is ...
Diagnoses of nearsightedness in Taiwan have been increasing at a far slower rate than in its neighbors, thanks to a public ...
Myopia, or the need for corrected vision to focus or see objects at a distance, has become a lot more common in recent decades. Some even consider myopia, also known as nearsightedness ...
In a city where entertainment reigns supreme, Los Angeles is on the brink of witnessing a profound shift in how people ...