These teens build AI and robots in their free time. Their parents say they focused on supporting their kids' innate curiosity ...
This is a great place to find suggestions for science project ideas, hands-on activities, guidance, teaching tools, STEM fair ...
Mary Gregory from the ONS introduces a new data science project for primary schools and explores how teachers can bring data ...
There is a way to reset the conversation that could help parents, educators and kids themselves make better choices about ...
Steve Kent Sherrod, founding executive director of the George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center in Bartlesville and a ...
Fest' as part of a visit to Australian Country Choice’s Brisbane beef processing facility, rural science and agriculture ...
Conservationists nationwide are mourning the passing of a pioneer in raptor recovery this week, whose impact on bald eagles ...
The expo allows budding scientists the opportunity to solve problems within their community through science. Celumusa Ntuli. Project ideas ranged from security systems for the underprivileged to ...
The expo allows budding scientists the opportunity to solve problems within their community through science. Celumusa Ntuli. Project ideas ranged from security systems for the underprivileged to ...
The debate about teens’ mental health and technology needs to be expanded. We should be asking: What and how are children and youth learning? Is technology aiding their learning or getting in the way?
Clinton Elementary School hosted its second annual science fair May 10. Among the top project winners were Taylar Sambo, ...