Arizona's second year of living with divided government — a Democratic governor and a GOP-run Legislature — kept the ...
Swoboda said the Arizona Republican Party is reaching out to independents and Hispanic voters on issues like “inflation, border security and educational choices for their children.” Meantime, the ...
PHOENIX – Arizona Senate President Warren Petersen ... Multiple lawmakers from each party in both chambers opposed the ...
Arizona's independent voters can request primary ballots and "Captain Activate!" aims to educate youth on civic duty.
Neither party seemed pleased with a 2025 budget passed late Saturday by the Arizona legislature in the face of a $1.3 billion ...
A new AARP survey found Arizona voters over 50 care most about their personal financial situations, Social Security and ...
It's unlikely Arizona Republicans will be impeaching Attorney General Kris Mayes, at least not this year. And the reason is ...
PHOENIX — Steve Slaton claims he was a combat helicopter pilot who served in the Vietnam War. According to official records ...
Arizona's legislators worked all day Saturday to get the budget done. It will now head to Gov. Katie Hobbs' desk for her ...
Republican Kari Lake has lost an Arizona appeals court challenge arguing that thousands of Phoenix-area mail ballot ...
The newly adopted $16.1 billion budget has left some Democrats wondering whether there was a better deal to be had.
A plan to balance the state budget barely passed Saturday over the objections of some Republicans who said it spends too much ...