Forced into a coalition government, the prime minister faces the challenge of governing differently than he has so far in two ...
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken office for a third consecutive term. It may hold more challenges for the ...
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, 73, has been forced to form a coalition government, after a disappointing election for ...
Narendra Modi has been sworn in for a rare third consecutive term as India’s prime minister, relying on his coalition ...
Narendra Modi, leader of the Hindu Nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has taken oath as India's prime minister for a ...
Election win gives Modi and his Hindu nationalist BJP another term to raise India’s global stature – and to manage ...
The leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party took his oath, saying he would "do right to all manner of people without affection ...
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was sworn in on Sunday for a third term after worse-than-expected election results left ...
The tussle broke out over Congress leader K Muraleedharan's defeat at the hands of BJP's Suresh Gopi, that too with a ...
Former Congress MP Ravneet Singh Bittu, who recently joined the BJP, has been inducted into the council of ministers as a ...
Jitin Prasada, once a 'young Turk' in Rahul Gandhi's team, transitioned from Congress to BJP in 2021, becoming a prominent ...