India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken office for a third consecutive term. It may hold more challenges for the ...
Narendra Modi has been sworn in for a rare third consecutive term as India’s prime minister, relying on his coalition ...
Narendra Modi has been sworn in for a rare third consecutive term as India’s prime minister, relying on his coalition ...
The national election results in the world’s largest democracy, India, were declared recently. The results sprang surprises ...
Forced into a coalition government, the prime minister faces the challenge of governing differently than he has so far in two ...
The young widow of a Christian in India s Chhattisgarh state who was killed for his faith is living in fear a month after she ...
Election win gives Modi and his Hindu nationalist BJP another term to raise India’s global stature – and to manage ...
Modi is only the second person after independence leader Jawaharlal Nehru to serve a third straight term as prime minister.
PM-designate Narendra Modi to take oath for a third term, matching Jawaharlal Nehru's feat. Tense negotiations between BJP ...
The NCP has refused the BJP's offer to have Praful Patel serve as a minister of state with independent charge, calling it a ...
Narendra Modi has taken the oath of office, ushering in his third term as the prime minister of India. All eyes are on which ...
The tussle broke out over Congress leader K Muraleedharan's defeat at the hands of BJP's Suresh Gopi, that too with a ...