Paris: President Joe Biden has vowed Washington is “standing strong” with Ukraine as French counterpart Emmanuel Macron ...
Tens of millions of voters from Vilnius to Madrid were casting ballots Sunday on the final day of elections for the EU's ...
They were invited to the state dinner at the Elysee Palace with French President Emmanuel Macron and U.S. President Joe Biden ...
President Joe Biden has closed out his trip to France by paying his respects at an American military cemetery that Donald ...
He and the first lady also joined French President Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Macron for a formal state ... Next week, he ...
Danish authorities say an attack on Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, which she said left her “shaken” but “fine”, was not politically motivated.
Biden's paeans to the struggle between democracy and autocracy drew plaudits in Europe, where the prospect of a return ... by ...
On a poignant day that marked 80 years since the Allied […] ...
Voters in 21 EU countries, including Germany and France, conclude a four-day election for the European Parliament.
Forecasts for the liberal group Renew Europe are also grim, given the expectation that Marine Le Pen’s far-right ...
Critics accused him of helming over India's "bellicose" foreign policy outlook after French President Emmanuel Macron became ...