Houthi rebels released footage that appeared to show a new missile, the "Palestine," with a warhead painted like a ...
Iranian officials told Newsweek that "Iran is adept at thwarting the U.S. strategy" in trying to weaken and isolate Ansar ...
The United States, France and other mediators have sought for months to reach an agreement that would stop the tit-for-tat ...
Iran's Khamenei said on Wednesday that Israel "must be punished and it shall be" for attacking the Iranian embassy compound ...
"Hezbollah does not desire such a conflict but stands prepared for any eventuality," Iran's U.N. Mission told Newsweek.
Iran-backed Shi'ite armed groups in Iraq have ramped up rocket and missile attacks on Israel in recent weeks, raising ...
A senior Hezbollah official says the Lebanese militant group's intensified attacks along Israel’s northern border show ...
Iran’s multi-front war on Israel escalated this week as Tehran’s flagship terrorist proxy rained down missiles and drones on ...
Israeli airstrikes near the Syrian city of Aleppo early Monday killed an Iranian military adviser, Iranian media reported, ...
Iran-backed Shi'ite armed groups in Iraq have ramped up rocket and missile attacks on Israel in recent weeks, raising ...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel is "prepared for very intense action in the north" in response to the Lebanese ...