Richard Hemphill helped save a youth baseball league in Providence, expertly teaching the game while ensuring that kids are ...
We want to get students outside the classroom beyond the textbooks and internet articles they read about,” said Ralph ...
The Celtics are talented, deep, rested, and hoping to add a record 18th NBA championship banner to the rafters.
Much of the area should see a blend of clouds and sun throughout the day as temperatures build back into the low 80s thanks ...
The three incumbent commissioners of Strafford County, N.H., have been unsuccessful thus far in their efforts to overturn a ...
German news agency dpa is reporting that a member of a far-right party was stabbed and wounded in the southwestern city of ...
Knox told the court that she wrongly accused an innocent man, the Congolese owner of the bar where she worked part time, of ...
How a person retires and what type of systems they put in place can indicate a level of wealth that often goes unnoticed.
Consumer Reports survey suggested that 77 percent of Black adults and 82 percent of Hispanics in the United States don’t have ...
"It’s really hard to expect people to achieve sobriety and find stability if they don’t have a safe place to lay their head ...
Biologists say this phenomenon of a prey animal making loud vocalizations — also known as alarm calls — when captured by a ...
The Lebanese military in a statement said that soldiers shot an assailant, who they only described as a Syrian national. The gunman was wounded and taken to a hospital.