The real estate agent association agrees not to oppose a California housing ballot measure, if single-family homes are left ...
The state Supreme Court removes a November ballot initiative that pitted Democrats and unions against Republicans and ...
AT&T will continue providing landlines to people across California following a state utilities commission decision.
The California Supreme Court blocked a ballot measure that would have made it more difficult to raise taxes, a win for state ...
The state Supreme Court takes an initiative to make it more difficult to raise California taxes off the Nov. 5 ballot ...
After five years, a state occupational health board approves rules to protect workers from extreme heat indoors.
Members of the public have until July 18 to comment on the proposed rules. After that, regulators in the California Civil ...
California's health care minimum wage gradually raises pay for workers at least $25 an hour. Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to delay ...
Die-offs from algae blooms in San Francisco and water diversions have left white sturgeon, a shark-like, prehistoric creature ...
Can anti-density advocates get around California’s aggressive housing laws by becoming charter cities? Some intend to try.
Business and labor groups announce a deal to avoid a ballot measure battle over lawsuits by California workers.