Looking at the two records by Weyes Blood and Jennifer Castle described as being "perfect" by Canadian songwriter and Weather ...
It was the 1940 film adaptation of Rebecca that got Alfred Hitchcock into Hollywood. But what happened to its title character ...
French singer-songwriter Françoise Hardy has died aged 80 following a long illness, her family have confirmed.
Even though she’s been a globally recognised name for over 20 years, Keira Knightley still hasn’t left her 30s yet. That’s a ...
Aretha Franklin made Burt Bacharach and Hal David’s composition ‘I Say a Little Prayer’ one of her signature songs in 1968 ...
Robert Pattinson has never met a challenging role he couldn't sink his teeth into, but the reaction to one of them caught him ...
Exploring the ten best moments in movie history where swimming pools have been used for drama and comedy, like the Paul ...
As well as being a genre-defining artist, Bob Marley was a leading countercultural figure of his day. Did someone cause his ...
Roger Waters had done enough productions for most rock stars' lifetimes, but this benefit gig convinced him to return to the ...
Bono may seem like one of the more pompous rockstars of all time, but if U2 was never actually rock to begin with? Read more ...
Much has been said about Led Zeppelin pinching riffs from other people, but Jimmy Page said any comparisons to this band was ...
Exploring the revolutionary politics and groundbreaking jazz funk music that made Ziad Rahbani such an unavoidable figure ...