A former OpenAI researcher became so convinced that the technology would usher in doom for humanity, he left the company and ...
Try as it might, Boeing simply can't get its plagued Starliner spacecraft off the ground. On Saturday, Boeing had to scrub ...
OpenAI's controversial "Sky" voice for ChatGPT sounds remarkably similar to the voice of Scarlett Johansson, a forensic ...
In clinical trials, a new male birth control gel seems to adequately reduce sperm count without decreasing libido.
A psychologist published a study that found no correlation between subjective well-being and Western astrological signs ...
During an LGBTQ pride parade, someone attempted to slay the house down in a Cybertruck with rainbow wrapping that Elon Musk would truly hate.
Hackers have released a jailbroken version of ChatGPT-4o called "GODMODE GPT." And, yes, it works. Be safe, kids!
The UK's National Health Service is fast-tracking patients for its new cancer vaccine trials that customize each jab to each ...
Tesla is preparing to introduce FSD to the Chinese market and considering turning it into a monthly subscription.
China has released video footage of its gun-toting robot dogs, and it's about as scary as you were probably imagining.
The European Space Agency's Euclid space telescope has revealed some of the saddest parts of our dark Universe.
We may have to revise our idea of stellar evolution, as new research suggests stars are collapsing into black holes without ...