Scientists are raising concerns about the potential risks of using alcohol-based mouthwash. New research suggests that these popular mouthwashes might disrupt the balance of good and bad bacteria in ...
Credit: University of Portsmouth student Hamzah Imran. A team of paleontologists has unearthed a fossil of a gigantic flying reptile from the Jurassic period in Oxfordshire, UK. This pterosaur, ...
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is not only a risk factor for heart disease and stroke but also has significant implications for cognitive function. This means that it can impact how ...
From left, Michael Zedelmair and Miles Mallinger, both of Seatrec, and Capt. Todd Black of Fish Heads La fishing charters, deploy a float with one of the company’s SL1 power modules in the Gulf of ...
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that primarily affects movement. Symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, and balance issues can significantly impact daily activities and reduce ...
Experiencing hand pain that complicates simple activities like buttoning a shirt or opening a jar might be a sign of hand osteoarthritis (OA), a condition affecting the joints in the hands. This form ...
In the next thirty years, more than half of the adults in an increasingly older and diverse United States population may face cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. Recent studies ...
Liver cirrhosis is a condition where the liver slowly deteriorates and malfunctions due to chronic injury. Over time, scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue, blocking the flow of blood through the ...
Artificial hip femoral components. The ternary interaction of titanium (Ti), β-stabilizing elements like niobium (Nb) and vanadium (V), and tin (Sn) plays a crucial role in determining the phase ...
Diabetic nerve pain, also known as diabetic neuropathy, is a common and often painful condition affecting people with diabetes. It occurs when high blood sugar levels damage the nerves throughout the ...
Plutonium-238 (238Pu) undergoes α- decay with a half-life of 87.7 years and an average ray energy of 5.49 MeV, which can continuously release heat and provide a heat source for this scenario. Credit: ...
In a groundbreaking achievement, the first metal 3D printing has been successfully completed on the International Space Station (ISS). This historic event took place last Thursday in the European ...