Attorney Roberta Kaplan is representing the defendants named in a congestion pricing lawsuit. James is also named as a ...
New York Attorney General Letitia James celebrated this week after what she called a "major" success following the passage of ...
Donald Trump will be forced to pay over $380,000 in legal fees if he reappears in the United Kingdom, according to ...
Nearly one in three Republicans support children having access to transgender care, a new poll conducted by NORC at the ...
Parenting expert Ana Aznar, a London-based child psychologist, told Newsweek that stepparents shouldn't "take it personally" ...
Peter Guse says that "millennials use stress as a coping mechanism and wear it as a badge of honor," often leading to burnout ...
Serena Butterworth ( @butterworth101) shared hilarious footage of her chow chow, Hui, huffing at the neighbor's new outdoor ...
Get your daily dose of politics, law, and culture with Josh Hammer Premium by subscribing to Newsweek today. As Newsweek's ...
Deciding when to give your child a cellphone can be difficult. While some parents worry a cellphone may be too much ...
The heartbreaking actions of a rescue dog when her owners were out have been captured on camera, along with the touching ...
The New York Yankees are hosting the Los Angeles Dodgers this weekend in a series that we could very well see again in ...
A hilarious video of a dog's "scary" reaction to a packet of chicken meat has gone viral on TikTok. The clip was shared by ...