Feed costs for producing broiler chickens accounts for 60% to 70% of total production costs, and stump waste from the production of button mushrooms comprises nearly 30% of total mushroom weight.
Engineers who received public welfare responsibility training in classes are more likely to consider the societal impact of technologies they design and to take action when concerns arise, according ...
We live in a world where not everyone feels safe and respected, especially women. Sexual violence and abuse are significant global health issues.
Land degradation is a huge issue across the continent of Africa. One of its biggest drivers is biological invasions. This is when invasive species (species that aren't naturally found in the area) ...
It's often said we can't control the weather. But what if the weather controls how and when we invest our money? More specifically, what if the skies control how much we're willing to gamble in the ...
Forests are great carbon sinks—they absorb more carbon from the atmosphere than they release. Globally, forests remove nearly all of the 2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide that is currently being ...