The Justice Department announced last year that it would grant compassionate relief to federal inmates who've been sexually ...
In a welcome development for people who care about liberty, Australia's government suspended its efforts to censor the planet ...
U.S. Reps. Grace Meng and Tim Kennedy, both Democrats from New York, have introduced a bill that bar the sale, transfer, or ...
Longtime Cato Institute vice president David Boaz passed away on June 7. He was one of the most effective and principled ...
Newly released research argues that it should be. The study, published in Thorax by researchers from the Institute of ...
How did the Libertarian Party Convention become a campaign stop for candidates with wildly anti-libertarian views? This ...
The lack of a clear rationale for charging Donald Trump with 34 felonies raises a due process issue that is likely to figure ...
In the middle of a presentation from a detective, the unthinkable happened: a masked gunman burst into the room and seemed to ...
David Boaz, longtime executive vice president at the Cato Institute, died this week at age 70 in hospice after a battle with ...
The feds charged Alex Choi with “causing the placement of explosive or incendiary device on an aircraft” after he shot ...
That take on the former president's New York conviction echoes similarly puzzling claims by many people who should know ...
In data privacy, the laws apply to California residents even when their actions are not occurring within the state's borders.