Over several years, many on social media attributed a viral quote on gay rights to famed actor Elizabeth Taylor. Taylor ...
The invasion of Normandy is credited for changing the tides of World War II. For years, Snopes has addressed various wild ...
On June 2, 2024, the Celeb Lounge YouTube channel published a false video with a title claiming an unidentified, undercover ...
In June 2024, Paramount Studios permanently banned actor Robert De Niro, calling him a "creepy clown." On June 4, 2024, ...
An authentic photograph shows the body of a massive octopus washed up on the coast of Indonesia. On June 4, 2024, a purported ...
The hot-pink blow-up bear was reportedly taken to the hotel premises as a decoration for a private party in celebration of ...
In an email, Bic spokeswoman Astrid Canevet said the company began to perforate the caps of its emblematic product, the Bic ...
For years, people have claimed that penguins trade sex acts for pebbles they use to build their nests: This rumor has spread ...
Some social media users have attempted to compare Donald Trump's payments to Stormy Daniels to Bill Clinton's 1990 sex ...
In early June 2024, accounts on X began sharing the claim that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy — at the height of his ...
Plastic water bottle caps are color coded based on the type of water: blue caps indicate "spring water"; black caps signify ...
Because the photo authentically shows Trump in military garb at a well-documented 1964 high school graduation and originates, ...