Scottish Greens are calling for a £1 fee to be introduced on tickets for stadium concerts, with the cash raised used to support grassroots music.
The Prime Minister sat down with ITV on Thursday to defend claims he had made about Sir Keir Starmer’s tax plans.
More than half of small business owners could yet change their mind on who to vote for in the upcoming General Election, according to polling. A survey by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) ...
More than half of drivers (53%) say foliage frequently obscures road signs on their journeys, a survey suggests. The RAC, which commissioned the poll, said road users are being put in “grave danger” ...
Women admitted to intensive care during pregnancy faced a 40-times higher risk of death than those not admitted, research found.
UK needs to treble its offshore wind farm installation to meet energy goals and should invest in manufacturing to support that, IPPR argues.
Bottom trawling uses nets that can be as large as a football field that can damage marine habitats, campaigners say.