On the evening of May 30, the Ukrainian Armed Forces conducted a successful operation targeting the Russian ferry connection in the occupied region of Crimea, as reported by the General Staff of ...
Recent satellite images seem to reveal the consequences of Ukrainian strikes near the eastern Crimean city of Kerch, following announcements from Kyiv’s military of “coordinated” ...
The Houthis claimed to have conducted six operations against the US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower, an American destroyer, and three commercial vessels in the Red Sea and ...
The Dnipro Hydroelectric Power Plant, Ukraine’s largest hydroelectric facility, is facing a precarious situation after becoming the target of Russian missile strikes. The plant, which stands ...
When art historian Susanne Meyer-Büser was preparing for the exhibition “Mondrian: Evolution” at the K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen in Düsseldorf, little did she know that she would stumble ...
South Korea has announced it will suspend the pivotal 2018 peace deal with North Korea, citing a provocative campaign of balloons laden with trash dispatched by Pyongyang. The South’s ...
As the war in Ukraine rages on, concerns mount among its neighbors about the potential outcomes and their implications. In the spotlight, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has voiced a stark ...
On the shores of Normandy, the echoes of history mingle with the clamor of today’s conflict as world leaders commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, all while the war in ...
Representative Lauren Boebert’s decision to skip a Republican debate in Colorado has made waves as her GOP rivals capitalized on her absence to criticize her record and tout their own ...
In a landscape still roiling from the seismic shifts caused by the Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade, two Texas professors have ignited yet another blaze in the fiery national dialogue ...
In the face of North Korea’s persistent missile tests, the United Kingdom has sounded the alarm at the UN Security Council, advocating for decisive measures to counter the Democratic ...
The notion of Ukraine’s partial admission into NATO has sparked a considerable debate, revealing a lack of consensus among Western allies on the country’s future in the alliance amidst ...