A study led by researchers from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) revealed that fine particulate ...
Why does Hepatitis E become chronic in some patients, and why do medications not work? To find out, an international research ...
Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, have developed an imaging device for schools and research centres to ...
Abnormal blood flow in the aorta is linked to inflammation and breakdown of the vessel wall in conditions where the aorta is ...
More green roofs and facades will help to create more space for natural habitats in our urban environments. A new set of guidelines has been prepared for those of us looking to green our roofs. As our ...
A research team has provided a comprehensive overview of the applications of omics technologies in Rosaceae plants.
Pandemic accord talks set to continue to 2025 as divide persists Update to International Health Regulations won’t come into force until at least ...
In the fascinating world of nanotechnology, precision is key. Think of laser beams of light that can do amazing things like ...
Terahertz waves, known as non-ionizing radiation, can turn into ionization radiation when sufficiently many terahertz photons ...
Grafting, an age-old horticultural technique, has been revealed as a powerful tool against soil-borne diseases like crown ...
The quest for sustainable energy solutions has led to a new study that explores the neighboring effects in single-atom ...
Boys are good at math, girls not so much? A study from the University of Zurich has analyzed the social mechanisms that contribute to the gender gap in math confidence. While peer comparisons seem to ...