Researchers have for the first time demonstrated that a specific class of oxide membranes can confine, or “squeeze,” infrared light – a finding that holds promise for next generation infrared imaging ...
A research team has provided a comprehensive overview of the applications of omics technologies in Rosaceae plants.
Pandemic accord talks set to continue to 2025 as divide persists Update to International Health Regulations won’t come into force until at least ...
African researchers are often marginalised in research collaborations Fair collaborations boost research integrity Unequal partnerships ‘lead to ...
In the fascinating world of nanotechnology, precision is key. Think of laser beams of light that can do amazing things like ...
Terahertz waves, known as non-ionizing radiation, can turn into ionization radiation when sufficiently many terahertz photons ...
Unlocking the secrets of nature, a pioneering study has pinpointed a gene mutation with profound implications for plant ...
In a major advancement for plant biology and agriculture, researchers have developed a novel method for systemic gene ...
Researchers have developed a new type of planar-glass-waveguide-based metasurface holograms that feature multiple crosstalk-free display channels by ...
Uno de los aspectos que más desconcierta a los pacientes afectados por la diabetes mellitus de tipo 2 es que presentan ...
Un dels aspectes que més desconcerta les persones afectades per la diabetis mellitus de tipus 2 és que en dejú presenten ...
Themen reichen von Statistik für die Energiewende über neu auftretende Viren bis zu Verlaufsformen affektiver Störungen / 148 Millionen Euro ...