Money ne bamunyagako obukadde 3 nga beeyambisa emmundu ekika kya bbaasitoola. Bino byabadde Bwebajja, Edrine Bugaya ne Bahati Kisekka bwe baalumbye Maria Mbadiremu gwe banyaguludde. Omwogezi wa ...
Uganda’s team to this year’s Paris 2024 Olympic Games will travel and compete without worries after the Uganda Olympic Committee (UOC) secured travel insurance for the whole team. On Thursday, UOC ...
UKRAINE ekubye mizayiro ya Russia, Putin kw’asibidde olukoba mu lutalo, bw’ekozesezza emmundu America ze yagiwagidde. Mu lulumba ssinziggu olubadde terunnabaawo bukya lutalo lutandika, amagye ga ...
Ten stadiums across Germany have been chosen to host matches at Euro 2024. From past and future Champions League final venues to the homes of second division sides, here is a summary: In the past: ...
Vice President Jessica Alupo has had a courteous interaction with H.E Yoon Suk Yeol, the President of Korea, and his dear wife before a state dinner hosted at the State House. Alupo is in Korea to ...
Recently, visited Manafwa District in Elgon Region of Eastern Uganda, but before the field visit, I was excited about the prospect of knowledge dispensation in agronomic practices, Carbon credit ...
e Mbale ne bafulumya RCC John Rex Achila ofiisi ne bagikwasa RDC w’e Mbale, Asumini Nasikye. Bannamawulire baagaaniddwa mu kifo kino nga RCC Achila afulumizibwa ofiisi wabula oluvannyuma RDC Nasikye ...
The Police on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, said they were probing a shooting incident at Gwanda Mall, in Kisenyi Parish, Kampala Central in which a guard shot a suspected thief who attempted to disarm him.
Centenary Bank has today signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Africa Guarantee Fund to renew the Loan Portfolio Guarantee agreement worth $ 25 million to fund Small and Medium Enterprises in ...
President Yoweri Museveni says he is pleased at the growing influence of Christianity in Uganda, but says the same is not being realized in efforts to reduce poverty figures in the country. He made ...
Vinicius Junior was Monday named by UEFA chiefs as Champions League player of the season after spearheading Real Madrid to European glory, with teammate Jude Bellingham picking up the young player ...