Congressional inquiries were spurred by a media report that the Coast Guard kept hidden a multi-year investigation into ...
Sens. Gary Peters and Thom Tilis introduced new legislation that would codify safety measures in government contracts for ...
When it comes to teleworking, the Office of Management and Budget and federal agency leaders may feel stuck between a rock ...
The Modernizing Wildfire Safety and Prevention Act would create a new Middle Fire Leaders Academy to rapidly bolster the ranks of federal wildland firefighters.
FBI agents are warning they cannot afford to continue working in the nation’s highest-cost cities, with many saying they may seek out careers outside the bureau as daily expenses grow and their pay ...
If the government doesn’t prepare to ramp up H5N1 bird flu testing, researchers warn, the United States could be caught off ...
A federal court has dismissed a case against an Agriculture Department employee indicted on criminal charges for conduct he ...
The Internal Revenue Service has reduced its property footprint by 2 million square feet since fiscal 2018, but the agency ...
New survey data from the Partnership for Public Service shows there is strong bipartisan support among the public for a ...
The Drug Enforcement Administration typically looks at three factors when assessing how strictly to regulate a drug: its ...
Senior Air Force officials have scoffed at surveys that show that only 14 percent of Air National Guard space professionals ...
The decision sets a new precedent for federal employees that denied promotions -- even if never fully promised -- can amount ...