The announcement was made by Malaysia’s Plantation and Commodities Minister Johari Abdul Ghani at a biodiversity forum that ...
In recent years skywatchers have been increasingly fascinated by the phenomenon known as STEVE, initially thought to be a ...
A man in Mexico has died after contracting the first lab-confirmed human infection with H5N2 bird flu. It’s unclear how the ...
Australian magpies are renowned for their intelligence, but they’re not all equally smart. A new study shows you can spot a ...
S ARS-CoV-2, the virus whose name we all wish we didn’t know, can hang around in sperm for 110 days after infection according ...
Lurking in the snow and frost of Greenland’s ice sheet, mysterious giant viruses has been discovered. They share the ice with ...
R/P FLIP, the FLoating Instrument Platform, was a true one-of-a-kind, but it now lies in pieces at a undisclosed scrapyard.
"A strong smell of carrion is released at short intervals but only for a short period of time during the first night, when ...
Since the fall of 2023, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has collected hundreds of reports of ...
It was Sir George’s successor, Andrew Scott Waugh, who was leading the project when the height of Peak XV was calculated by ...
While snapping photos of the surface of Mars in 2011, the HiRISE instrument aboard the robotic Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter ...
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