The UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2731 (2024) on Thursday, extending for one year the sanctions regime imposed on South Sudan that includes asset freezes, travel bans and an arms embargo. The ...
The Brotherhood labor union announced on Thursday that it is going to decrease the speed of all trains to 19 miles per hour for 24 hours as a strike measure on Sunday. The strike comes as the result ...
The UK Bar Council called for an inquiry into the backlog at the Criminal Courts, announcing in a press release on Thursday that it has provided written evidence in pursuit of the inquiry. The Bar ...
The US Department of State imposed new visa restrictions on Chinese and Hong Kong officials on Friday after a Hong Kong court convicted 14 activists of conspiring to commit subversion under the ...
The number of people displaced by war, violence and prosecution has skyrocketed to a staggering 114 million, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi revealed in an address to the United ...
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) on Wednesday reported the arrest of Chinese national YunHe Wang on charges of creating and using malware that was used in cyber attacks, large-scale fraud and child ...
The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Friday upheld a district court’s order to release jailed indigent Oregon defendants if they do not receive legal counsel within seven days. The Ninth ...
The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled Friday that the detention of non-citizens without a bond hearing violated their due process rights under the US Constitution, upholding a lower ...
The US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit court delivered a ruling on Friday that provided a partial judgment in favor of the Black and Latino Army lieutenant, Caron Nazario, who had been ...
The Texas Supreme Court unanimously rejected a challenge to the state's abortion laws Friday. The issue at hand was whether Texas's civil abortion law prohibiting abortion unless a woman is facing a ...
The Swedish Security Service, commonly referred to as Säpo, said on Thursday that the Iranian government used criminal ...
North Korea launched Thursday around 10 suspected short-range ballistic missiles to its eastern sea and attacked the global positioning system, the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff reported. The ...