A number of villages could potentially be affected by avalanches of volcanic material due to the eruption of Mount Ibu.
"Thank God, in this second race I was able to repeat the results of race one by reaching the highest podium. At the start, ...
The premise of vox populi, vox Dei (the voice of the people is the voice of God) is the breath of democracy. Long before ...
The frontman and vocalist of the band The Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger, will turn 81 on July 26 2024. Status as octogenarian ...
NEW YORK, SUNDAY - British intelligence and United States information used Israel in attacks on Nuseirat, Gaza. The attack on ...
We need to look at whether the MCH Law really guarantees the basic rights and needs of mothers and children according to its ...
As a result of the "rise of Asia," three years later, on May 20, 1908, the Boedi Oetomo national awakening movement was born, ...
Indonesia is an important country on the map streaming data of the world. The growth of start-ups, as well as the shift from ...
Regarding space exploration, dreams are now increasingly intersecting with reality. The world was treated to the success of ...
The government offers postgraduate study opportunities in Singapore. There are scholarship offers from the government and ...
The joy on Sunday morning at KM Umsini turned into panic when the ship which was ready to sail suddenly caught fire.
According to Piter, the transfer of funds from various business lines of PP Muhammadiyah, such as hospitals and universities, ...